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Dr. Anup Muraleeedharan

BAMS. MD & CMO- Sreebharath Ayurveda Hospital, Koodal dranupsai@ymail.com


Proverbs Pro-Health

What is the purpose of life? To pass on the knowledge acquired to the next generation. Some are coded into our genes, some are written down or uploaded into the 'cloud'. Some become proverbs- the old sayings that codify wisdom of the bygone generations. Some proverbs are so deep that many universities have dedicated departments for the study of Proverbs. In this article, the author does a brief intro to some of the most common proverbs that breathe the very foundational principles of Ayurveda. Let us try and search for more and interpret them so that the knowledge hidden in them can actually aid in our wellbeing and better understanding of us and our surroundings..(Malayalam)

17 Jun 2020 by Dr. Anup Muraleeedharan

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